武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿会所 From the Wangs, I shook my head and sighed for a long time without saying a word. After I made up my mind again, I will never come to see Wang Lao and Mrs. Wang again. It’s not that I have feelings with Bai Jiuyu to alienate my parents, but that every time I come, I will arouse them to miss Wang Yanpei. Once I come, it will make them sad. So I won’t come again.

From the Wangs, I shook my head and sighed for a long time without saying a word. After I made up my mind again, I will never come to see Wang Lao and Mrs. Wang again. It’s not that I have feelings with Bai Jiuyu to alienate my parents, but that every time I come, I will arouse them to miss Wang Yanpei. Once I come, it will make them sad. So I won’t come again.

Seeing that I was depressed, King Kong Bao kept saying some interesting things to try to make my mood better. I have heard those jokes by Nai He, so instead of being interesting, I felt noisy and annoying.
"Can you tell me something I don’t know?" I interrupted a joke with a very low joke.
"We’ve known each other since I was nineteen. I know you don’t know." King Kong Gun grinned.
"Then you can talk about things before I was nineteen." I just lit a cigarette when I hit the window and got some air. The whole Hummer made the King Kong cannon loaded with a dozen boxes. Maotai Road may have been smashed and a bottle of alcohol filled the car.
"What do you want to hear?" I’m afraid I won’t say anything again. This guy can’t stand loneliness and won’t let him talk. He can suffocate.
"Tell me about how many pen pals you hooked up with?" I turned to look sideways.
"Do you want to complain again?" King Kong cannons stared at me with vigilance.
I cold hum a no longer mouth.
"Let me tell you an interesting thing. My family used to live in the northeast. In winter, children there like to play gyroscopes. When they play gyroscopes, they have to whip my family. I will look at the home to feed the black horse, the big tail …"
"You cut the horse’s tail?" I interrupted and asked
"I wanted to cut it at that time, but I was only seven years old at that time, and I couldn’t reach to cut it. So I went out and dragged the horse, and it shook its tail. I just thought about dragging it one by one, and it hurt the horse one by one, and then I kicked it into the snow pit."
"You are a fool!" The funny story of King Kong Gun’s childhood made me shake my head and smile bitterly. It’s not surprising that this guy has IQ problems.
"You didn’t do anything stupid when you were a child?" King kong cannon speaks sarcastically.
"No, absolutely not." I shook my head and laughed.
"It’s impossible for you to say it quickly or I’ll suffer." King Kong Bao shouted and quit.
"I did do something with personality when I was a child." I recalled for a moment and said that it was dangerous for me and King Kong Gun to do things at ordinary times, and it was rare to have such a chance to chat.
"Come on, do something stupid." King Kong Cannon was forced not to be urged.
"Let’s see, I didn’t learn when I was a child on my birthday. I was either six or seven years old. My grandparents were in poor health. When I was a child, I often went to my grandmother’s house. Once my parents wanted to send me to my grandmother’s house. I didn’t want to go to my parents’ house, so I negotiated with them and promised to buy me a toy. As a result, I didn’t want a toy. I wanted a king."
"turtle? Where do you get it? " King kong cannon curious asked.
"When I was a child, my family was poor, and it was no better than yours. My village was near the river. My father would go to the river to catch fish. The king fished out of the river and raised it in a tank to be sold in the market. As a result, I was coming," I recalled.
"How good do you want toys? Why do you want a turtle?" King kong cannon puzzled asked.
"At that time, I didn’t encounter any toys in the city. Besides, Wang Hao can climb and move …"
"Still bite!" King Kong Gun lost no time in joking.
I took a look at the King Kong cannon and went on to tell, "I brought the king to my grandmother’s house with my legs tied. At that time, there was a special pool for soaking branches in the east of my grandfather’s basket weaving house, so I raised the king and came out to see it. Later, a child older than me in my grandmother’s village saw it and ran away when I was not looking. As soon as I went out, I just saw it and ran to his house to get the result. If they didn’t give it to me, I would go there every day and I would fight with the big boy wherever I wanted them to go."
"Will you come out at the end?" King Kong cannon cut in again.
"Not eaten by them" I shook my head with a wry smile.
"How do you know?" King kong cannon curious asked.
"It was junior high school. I once happened to see the king’s shell drying rice in front of their house." The king’s shell can repel insects. Rural people usually put it in food bags.
"You stole his rice?" King Kong cannon is a guess.
"No, I took the king’s shell and released his chicken." I can’t help smiling when I think of what I did when I was a child.
"What happened later?" The meaning of King Kong Gun is still unfinished.
"I didn’t come later. Oh, I fucking scolded the street for three days." I threw away my cigarette butt and threw it at the window.
"You really bear a grudge!" The king kong cannon grinned.
"People who don’t hold grudges don’t remember well." I raised my hand and pointed to the front to sign for the King Kong cannon to slow down.
Hummer is awesome, I mean, the shape and fuel consumption. When it comes to speed, it’s called a fierce donkey. It compliments it. Running over ten engine sounds reminds people of severe asthma. I doubt if the US Army is equipped with this broken car, who can they drive away from the battlefield?
After jogging for a day and a night, I arrived at the periphery of Tu Shan. King Kong Gun and I abandoned the car and walked.
"What exactly did you say to Heisan last time?" Confused look at King Kong Gun, this guy is carrying a lot of Maotai and his gifts, which is a little bit like offering reparations and offering a humble apology.
"I scolded him" King Kong Gun hey hey smiled.
"Isn’t it pretty embarrassing?" I frowned and said that King Kong Gun had brought so many things to apologize, saying that he must have scolded his father for saying a lot of cruel words.
"Not yet, please help me get two boxes." King Kong Gun grumbled.
Tu Shan has been here many times, and it is best to have an inexplicable calm this time. Although every man wants to be all-powerful in Wan Li, his heart still longs for a kind of peace, peace and Tu Shan, which gives me this feeling. To be exact, this woman who lives in Tu Shan gives me this feeling.
According to the usual practice, four in, three out, two rings and one turn.
Tu Shan people didn’t know that I was coming with King Kong Gun before, but after I entered the village with King Kong Gun, Bai Jiuyu felt my breath and greeted my woman …
Chapter 423 At the beginning of Solanum nigrum
After seeing me, Bai Jiuyu quickly walked up the steps of the wooden house and rushed over to me. After taking a few steps, he slowed down when he saw someone.
"Come back?" Bai Jiuyu walked up to me and looked up and stared at the word "back", which made my heart suddenly feel like going home. It was like seeing a long-awaited wife and lover when they triumphed, and their anger and worries were diluted by this peace and quiet, leaving all tenderness and peace.
Bai Jiuyu is not old. Today, she hasn’t changed much from ten years ago. She is still so noble and elegant. Generally, she needs makeup, which is both bloody and not pale. The green willows are slender and delicate, and the scars are natural. The jade nose show is quite appropriate in size, but not thin and beautiful. The two small tiger teeth on the left and right sides of the cherry mouth are faintly exposed. The white fox is noble and elegant, adding a little wild beauty in the dark. A long hair is straight and supple, and the shoulders are half covered. These three thousand green hairs remind me of my thoughts.
"Ah, whose child?" When Bai Jiuyu and I looked at each other affectionately, the cry of King Kong cannon and the scream of a young fox interrupted my thoughts. When I turned around, I found that King Kong cannon had left us far away, and now I was looking at a screaming lame young fox.
"Why don’t you watch the road?" I turned to the King Kong cannon and said that there are many people in Tu Shan who can’t turn into humanoid villages. Foxes can be seen running from time to time.
"Fuck me, how can I look at the road?" King Kong Gun mumbled something back. He was carrying a box of Maotai at the moment, which seriously hindered his sight.
"It was my negligence." Bai Jiuyu Zhan Yan smiled and waved a few humanoid foxes to help King Kong cannons share drinks.
"You two should do whatever you want. I’ll go find the third brother." King Kong Bao clapped his hands and walked over to the house where Heisan Chang lived. I came to Tu Shan to see Bai Jiuyu and he came to see Heisan Chang for different reasons.
Bai Jiuyu and I looked at each other and turned to the Tu Shan Hall.
"Why did you come back before?" The two have been close to each other, and the old name is no longer suitable, but it is still too early to call the new name export, so Bai Jiuyu directly omitted the name.
"I miss you." I’m concise, and I don’t hide it. When I’m unfamiliar, I should pay attention to manners. Since I’m at this point, it’s sheer coercion to be polite.
When Bai Jiuyu saw that I was so straightforward, she suddenly showed shame. This shyness is really shy. In modern society, those who are well-informed and not ashamed are completely different.
Shy and shy, Bai Jiuyi didn’t bow her head, but looked up with beautiful eyes and deep affection, which made me a little unnatural. I pointed to my hair. "Did you see that your hair turned white?"

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