武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿会所 "Who said that? Isn’t this? " As soon as the magician grabbed his hand at the back of her head, a folded note appeared, and the black circle mark of the note was very eye-catching

"Who said that? Isn’t this? " As soon as the magician grabbed his hand at the back of her head, a folded note appeared, and the black circle mark of the note was very eye-catching

Then the magician took the note and ran to the front tables to show them one by one, so that they could confirm that it was the note he put in the box before. Then he gave his own note and Hua Wenxuan’s note to two people at the front and back tables, who were far apart, to read out sentences respectively.
As a result, both sides are exactly the same. "Please help me. I hope I can propose to Shen Xintang tonight!"
At this time, Taihua Wenxuan finally moved. He knelt down at Shen Xintang, holding a red heart-shaped jewelry box in his hand, and opened it to reveal the dazzling diamond ring inside. He said with great reverence, "Tang, marry me!"
Shen Xintang’s eyes widened in amazement and he stepped back two steps involuntarily, but the magician took the lead in encouraging and shouted, "Marry him, marry him, marry him!"
There were several voices, then a group of voices, and then all the voices merged into a huge wave, which echoed and circled in the narrow performance hall. One after another, the sound of "marry him" hit the eardrum, which made Shen Xintang more nervous and scared.
At this time, the magician snapped his fingers at the sky, and suddenly snowflakes began to fall from the stage. The background music also rang, but it was Jeff Chang Shin-Che’s "Be Your Man"
"Every place in new york, Tokyo will take you to take the Happiness Subway for a walk and go shopping to find some music. When you are tired, I will help you stop in traffic jams with high heels. Even if it snows, I will spend Valentine’s Day with you every day ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Boiling like a tide, the noise is still flying all over the sky, and artificial snowflakes fall on two people’s heads and shoulders as if they were bald in an instant. She still remembers seeing a pair of white-haired old couples holding hands and holding hands with each other while stumbling. She once thought it was more beautiful and romantic than the scene a month ago.
Who is holding hands in the long river of time to witness the hair fade into a silver hair? Even though she has lost her youth, he still sticks by her side and loves her as before.
It’s like he’s kneeling on one knee at the moment, his face is solemn and pious, his eyes are so determined and thirsty, and his head is covered with snow, as if to prove that even when he is old, he will still be surrounded by her with the love of his youth.
When he was young, he kissed her in the shadow of a tree by the river; It took ten years to dye the young man’s eyebrows and eyes. He has made a name for himself, but he has no scruples about the media and public opinion to boldly show his love to her in public …
Section 13
Because he has already made up his mind, because he is confident in the future, because he is already afraid …
Everything he does shows that he loves her warmly, and he can’t wait for heaven and man to know that she is his lover.
In an instant, Shen Xintang’s heart gurgled with the heat flow, and his eyes were misty with tears.
How many people are so lucky in life, from the initial acquaintance and love to the sudden separation and unexpected reunion, and then get married and stay together forever? Zhong zhong mo Jie tai
Shen Xintang, don’t hesitate. How many people can have such happiness?
Snowflakes flying all over the sky in lyrical melodious songs Shen Xintang bent over and stretched out his hands to help him up.
"Don’t kneel down, be careful to entertain the headlines again." She wants to cry and laugh, but her eyes are full of tears and her face is dazzling. "I promise you!"
Hua Wenxuan followed up and looked at her with ecstasy. "Really? You really promised to marry me? Say it again! "
Taiwan immediately became quiet, and everyone looked at her with bated breath.
"I promised you, let’s get married!" She raised her face and couldn’t restrain her excitement. It seemed that her voice trembled a little.
Taiwan suddenly burst into thunderous applause accompanied by exciting whistling and funny sounds.
"Oh, my God, Tang, I … I’ve finally arrived!" Hua Wenxuan was also a little excited and looked at her eyes with great joy.
He took the quit from the jewelry box, stretched out his hand and pulled her left hand to slowly put it into her finger, and then raised her finger. He bowed his head and gently burned a hot kiss on the back of her hand.
"french kiss! French kiss! French kiss! " I don’t know who booed, and then several people joined in and shouted, "french kiss! French kiss! "
Shen Xintang turned around and ran to Taiwan when the situation was not good, but Hua Wenxuan grabbed her gesture quickly and neatly. Before Shen Xintang could react, her body and head were clamped down, and then a moist and soft lip was tightly stuck.
Taiwan is still booing and shouting, and this booing is different. This time it is "the auspicious time has come to be sent to the bridal chamber! Send it to the bridal chamber! "
Hua Wenxuan let her turn around and bow to Tai San and sincerely thank the audience. "Thank you! Thank you for your enthusiastic support! I-Hua Wenxuan finally proposed successfully! My first girlfriend and I are about to make a positive result! I wish all lovers will be well! "
Taiwan is a thunder palm instantly flooded every corner.
About 60% of the audience came to Taiwan. At this time, outsiders heard the noise inside and poured in. Soon, they filled the whole seat. Later, they were able to find out the reason in the aisle and then joined the ranks of blessings.
Hua Wenxuan took Shen Xintang’s hand and solemnly thanked the magician. Only then did he give the stage back to the magician, and the two of them got together.
After all the noise, HuaWenXuan and Shen Xintang had to leave the performance hall.
The quiet environment outside the performance hall makes people breathe easily.
Hua Wenxuan stopped and turned to stare at her right finger and gently rubbed her finger ring.
"Tang, are you really agreed? It’s not an impulse, is it? " There was a hint of worry in his eyes. She reluctantly agreed to deal with him because it was timely.

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