武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿会所 Haima and Fu Wei were so anxious that they found the place where Lian Fangzhou and Cui Shaoxi jumped into the sea early the next morning.

Haima and Fu Wei were so anxious that they found the place where Lian Fangzhou and Cui Shaoxi jumped into the sea early the next morning.

Water-based several Luo Luohai groped for a while, except for a woman’s clothes and a man’s shoes. Don’t find that it is possible that the waves washed away the "bodies" of the two people and fed them sharks.
Looking at a dress, a shoe, Haima and Fu Wei, these two days have been hard, and both of them are angry angrily.
"damn it! Don’t look at the time to die! It’ s so fucking disappointing to have a good hostage bait! " Haima was furious when he hit the case with a fist.
Help Wei to meditate for a moment with a sullen face, and suddenly smile strangely, raise his eyebrows and laugh at the angry hippocampus. "Who said that we have no hostages and no bait?"
"Huh?" Hippocampus was puzzled, pointing to the clothes and shoes. "What are these things?"! Maybe it will become a living person! "
Help wei burst out laughing spirit a flap eyes shine sneer at a way "how can’t? Who knows those two people are dead except our island brothers? No, right? Let’s say they are not dead! "
Hippocampus couldn’t help laughing and clapping and laughing after hearing it. "Wonderful! Wonderful! Why didn’t I think of such a good idea! That’s it! "
He said, and grunted coldly, "We have worked so hard to prepare for the big Zhou Zhang, but we can’t all lose our minds! Let’s go and find a big family and go to Quanzhou Port! "
One after another, the hippocampus has become impatient and impatient. At this moment, hope is reborn from disappointment, and it is no longer willing to see any changes.
Without delay, I immediately took Wei and hurried to find Pang Yulong.
Who knows that when I saw nine knives and asked questions in the Chamber, I knew that everyone had gone back to his wife this evening.
Without saying anything, Haima immediately pulled Wei and went straight to Shu ‘er’s yard.
Fu Wei couldn’t help laughing and asked, "I haven’t seen the big lady yet!" Didn’t you hear that it’s not good to be in charge? How can the boss suddenly like to stay at her place? "
Haima casually said, "I don’t know what happened to the big boss and sister-in-law. Anyway, everyone is used to it! I can tell you, don’t look at the person in charge who usually ignores her sister-in-law’s love, and often only sees her once or twice a month, but anyone who dares to salute her sister-in-law is a dead end! You have to be polite when you meet your sister-in-law! "
"Don’t worry, I know!" Help Wei smiled and promised to the heart. Is this still said? Can the first wife be the same as other women? Another woman can’t compete with her wife no matter how painful and spoiled she is! A wife is not loved, but she must be respected! I didn’t expect the boss to be a white man!
So he couldn’t help but wonder whether this sister-in-law is waiting for someone to take charge. It’s strange that she still protects her since she loves to answer her!
It turns out that this kind of thing is not unusual in a big clan, but this is the most unruly place in the pirate nest and there is no need for such rules!
Yesterday, Pang Yulong and Shu Er waited for Fang Zhou and Cui Shaoxi in the middle of the night, and then four people talked for half a ring before they went back to their rooms to rest. It is natural to get up early today and be late.
Pang Yulong and Shu Er just got up when Haima and Fu Wei rushed in.
Although Shu-er Haima is unfamiliar, she is not unheard of, and where are there so many rules on the island? So don’t wait for people to inform him that he just took Wei Gao and shouted "Eldest brother! Hey! " Break in
Shu ‘er can’t hide.
It’s the first time for Fu Wei to meet Shu Er, and I’m surprised to see Shu Er’s appearance. How do you look like Miss Le Zhengjia?
Help Wei to be surprised and behave in the heart.
PangYuLong big displeasure stared at the hippocampus scolded "how so rude? I broke in without informing you! "
Hippocampus hey hey smiled and said "it’s not an outsider so many rules to do? Brother, if it weren’t for something urgent, how dare I bother my brother and sister-in-law! "
Say hey hey ambiguous smile is full of "I am white, I understand! You don’t explain anything! " idea
Shu Er made him smile slightly hot, but he couldn’t help but feel annoyed but also white. Most people on this island are so rude, which is better than this hippocampus!
Shuer pretended not to hear and smiled softly at Pang Yulong. "Since you have something to do, go first!"
Pang Yulong knows that Shu Er likes to be clean and never likes this island except for his own outsiders. He nodded and said, "You have a rest. I’ll go first and see you later!"
Haima "ah" smiled and said, "Good sister-in-law will finish our business in a moment! Hey, hey, sister-in-law, don’t worry, I dare not delay eldest brother’s visit! When you hurry up, rest and raise your spirits before you can accompany your big brother. Hehehe! "
Shu ‘er was furious, and her chest fluctuated rapidly, so she could bear to be angry. Her eyes drooped lightly and she turned away.
Helping Wei secretly watched and saw her behavior, perfect temperament, a large family, good upbringing and that appearance-
The girls in Le Zhengjia look quite similar. Is this Mrs Pang really Miss Le Zhengjia? That’s really lively!
Helping Wei Xin secretly thought about finding an opportunity to inquire from the hippocampus in private.
Pang Yulong followed him back to the Chamber and heard Hippocampus’s idea, eyes slightly folded and half rang.
I don’t want him to know that this is definitely a bad idea to help Wei, a small hippocampus!
It seems that there is some truth in what Li Furen said. This help Wei is really a disaster. Chapter 13 is shocked
"Help bro? Also think this method is feasible? " Pang Yulong Gherardini took a glance at the help Wei asked.
Fu Wei’s heart is a little cold for no reason, and he is busy calming down. Before he leaves the hippocampus, he has shouted, "Big Brother helps his brother, of course, and this is the way he figured it out!"
"Oh?" PangYuLong coldly hubris helped Wei Yi eyes bottom quickly across a kill machine.
Fu Wei didn’t see the erasing machine, but he felt Pang Yulong’s forbearing anger towards himself. He tried to pretend as if nothing had happened, nodded and smiled. "It was I who came up with the idea! We’ve made so many preparations that it’s easy to mobilize the morale of the brothers. Wouldn’t it be disappointing to stop here? We have this dress in our hand, which is no different from having Li Furen in our hand. It’s just a bait! Li Fu was suspicious when he saw this dress! Make him believe that Li Furen is in our hands and all plans can be carried out as before! We don’t need to take more risks because of this! "
"Helping the younger brother is so right!" Seahorse eyes emit fanatical light nodding and rubbing hands, "eldest brother, let’s start tomorrow!" Before it’s too late! "
PangYuLong just a thoughtfully but said, "it happened that this time Li Furen and Cui Gong both fell into the sea and died. This is not a good sign! I think we should wait a few days! To be cautious, we have to re-deduce the original plan and arrange it again. After all, what we have now is a dress instead of a living person. When someone is in hand to do things, one more dress can fool people at best! I don’t know if that political envoy named Li Bu is a fool! "
They believe in ghosts and gods for good or ill luck more than ordinary people. In fact, in the final analysis, it is just a kind of self-deception and delusion-there is no hope for this generation to fall to this point, so they rely on the afterlife to believe that the afterlife can compensate for the defects in this life, and they are naturally willing to believe it.

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