"Why are you with the princess?"

"It’s a long story …" Qu took a deep breath and prepared to talk about it.
He begged the elder brother for shelter from being bullied.
Qu Rong jumped into the air. "Won’t Big Brother introduce us to Yi?"
Is it true that they two watery beauties didn’t see it on one side?
Qu Dashao was so excited that he forgot them.
"I almost forgot brother Jiang. These are my two sisters. Do you still remember?"
Purple clothes Hou has been gone for many years, and it has brought trouble to Yongjing Hou Fu because of secrecy. He reports peace once a year, and naturally he is a little rusty without correspondence.
He has long forgotten the appearance of the sisters’ flowers, but it is clever to hide what purple clothes are like.
"Ling and Rong, of course, I remember being my sister, too. The female students are getting better and better. Then I’ll help you choose two good marriages to keep and marry you after paying photogenic attention."
Qu Jia sheltered him, and he will also take care of Qu Jia.
He is good at dancing with long sleeves, gentle and kind, long and good at talking, and immediately won the favor of Qu Rong.
"It’s quite nice to have a brother like you, but you and my sister …"
She wants a brother-in-law more!
Although my sister doesn’t say anything, she knows that my sister has been thinking about this unfinished marriage.
Miss Qu Er turned red and hurriedly pulled her sister’s hand and smiled. "Ahem, aren’t you tired here?" Hurry in, everyone has been driving for a lot of days and they are exhausted. "
She has a face.
QuRong this just found himself too expect blunt elder sister please smile.
Purple clothes Hou took a look at Ji Yue. She looked good. Her face was pink and tender, her eyes were black and bright.
"Let’s all go in."
He walked side by side with Mu Jiyue and chuckled, "Ji Yue, you came soon."
The first two people often walk together like this, and Ji Yue didn’t feel anything wrong.
"You’re pretty quick, too. How can you get out of Beijing?"
She is still curious about how he won the emperor’s letter.
Purple clothes Hou Xiao is very happy. "I want to see you, of course."
Miss Qu Er, who followed behind, changed her face and steps.
QuRong tugged at her clothes and shook her head slightly.
Don’t think too much and don’t make noise.
Miss Qu Er felt bitter in her heart, so they were so familiar with each other.
It’s obviously good to talk so close and not taboo.
Ji Yue doesn’t know what others think and doesn’t care "See me? Or avoid all eyes and ears? Purple clothes Hou you are dishonest. "
Purple clothes Hou was very happy to see her flying. "Can’t everyone see it?"
It’s good that she’s still so noisy and vibrant.
Ji Yue stared at him for a few times with her eyes turned. "You need to take good care of purple clothes."
Purple clothes hou sensitive to realize that is not a good word didn’t good the spirit gave her a white "what do you mean? Mu Jiyue made it clear. "
Ji Yue smiled and said, "I don’t think you are old, so I have to say it."
Men, twenties are the best time, but a blow is a must.
Purple clothes Hou didn’t care either. That’s her personality
"Mu Jiyue, your mouth is getting more and more poisonous, but it’s not the first time I’ve met you. I know you have a bad temper, but wait a minute. Don’t choke with records."
Ji on a serious smile "I am a gentle and elegant lady how can you fight with people? I’m not that you like to fight with the sky and feel uncomfortable without fighting with others. "
Purple clothes hou shocked her more fresh "ha ha tender? Lady? Who are you talking about? "
Ji Yue, ha ha, smiled very rudely and said, "You have no vision."
The bickering between the two men was very happy, but there was no gunpowder. They were familiar and kind.
Miss song 2 was more than I could bear. "Are you familiar with the princess? How come I never heard you mention him? "
Ji Yue asked strangely, "What? How does he play with people’s hearts and turn others around? "
It’s not like she likes to say things behind her back. It’s okay. What’s the matter?
Purple clothes Hou Khan smelly girl’s mouth is too bad "I am such an image in your heart?"
Although this statement is somewhat true, why is it so awkward to say it from her mouth?
Chapter 119 straightforward to no basin friends
Ji Yue smiled brightly, "Praise you for being a crafty old scoundrel."
Purple clothes Hou corners of the mouth straight smoke "Mu Jiyue, you can’t be friends like this"
But seeing her as sweet as ever, everyone relaxed.

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