武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 "Yinwei and Ye Xing are very angry over there and dare not have anything." Before Sunny’s words are finished, Yin Yunxi hangs up the phone and scrapped her new mobile phone.

"Yinwei and Ye Xing are very angry over there and dare not have anything." Before Sunny’s words are finished, Yin Yunxi hangs up the phone and scrapped her new mobile phone.

"Did Lucy fail?"
"It seems that their lives are quite big." Yin Yunxi smiled with a smile. "I want to see if they have the resources for the next game!"
"Then we are now"
"Don’t make a rash move to inform all department managers of rh to tell them that rh will pretend to be bankrupt during this period and announce to the media that rh is about to face bankruptcy."
"Are you kidding? !”
"Do as I say!" Yin Yunxi shouted.
"I know, but"
"Huh?" Sharp blood eyes staring at Xue Liner made her feel that she was on vacation in Antarctica.
"But the manager of rh department said that there are hundreds of people who can inform you."
"That’s your business. I don’t care so much. You just have to do a good job."
"I see," said Cheryl, slightly frustrated. "I’m waiting for the next game."
"Don’t worry, I’ll show you a very interesting revenge game, Yinwei. I told you I’d make you cry rhythmically."
[Revenge] 94 Facing bankruptcy
Yinchun Jin leans on the bed and looks at the novel Ye Rumo sitting on the sofa eating apples. Yinwei and Ye Xing go out to buy things. Everything seems very harmonious. Yinyun Xi looks at this picture, staring at the wall, groping for the bedside table and finally touching the mobile phone.
Gently touch the iphne4s screen "Dial" and then put on the Bluetooth headset.
"What is it?" Xuelin’s rambling voice dives into the eardrum.
"Get up for me! I ask you, have you done what I told you? !”
"Good" snow Lin son turned over and continued.
"That what news is not broadcast? !”
"Maybe it’s postponed." Xueliner got up and picked up the remote control from the bedside table to watch the news broadcast. "Well, isn’t this there?"
"You get up right now! I’ll kill you if it’s later! " Yin Yunxi hangs up and watches the video on the wall.
"It is now announced that Xue Liner, general manager of rh, has officially announced that rh is facing bankruptcy this morning."
Hearing this news, Yinwei and Ye Xing immediately got up "Great! Rh finally went bankrupt! "
"We can finally get revenge!" Ye Rumo and Yin Chunjin said
"Yin Yunxi and Ye Xuexuan, wait and see!"
————————————————————————————————————————————————— Xi’s Garden Villa
"Wait and see? Hum! You are still tender! " Yin Yunxi knocked off the wall and hit the door, which happened to hit Xi Yu Jie.
"Why don’t you knock at the door?" Yin Yunxi said, clutching his forehead and eating pain.
"Baby, I was just about to knock on the door when you came out. Let me see." Xi Yu Jie gently took off the silver and carried her into the room.
"There is an ice pack in the room, and the swelling is still coming." Xi Yu Jie took out the ice pack and applied silver to Yunxi’s forehead
"What can I do for you?" Yin Yunxi lay in bed and looked at Xi Yu Jie.
"Just look at the time."
Before I finished, I was interrupted by Yin Yunxi. "This is just part of the revenge game. You don’t ask much."
"I know, but baby, it’s time to go to bed now." Xi Yu Jie’s face showed an evil smile, followed by Yin Yun’s wish.
"What are you doing?" Yin Yunxi took off the ice pack and was just about to push his hand when he caught him and pressed the bed.
"Baby, your wound bled yesterday, so I didn’t eat it today."
[Revenge] 95 Back to school
"Get up!" Silver allow and stare big eyes struggling.
"Baby, you don’t want to escape, just submit." Xi Yu Jie Xin Xin smiled and bowed his head and gently kissed Yin Yunxi.
"You die for me!" Yin Yunxi growled that she was never cold. It was the first time she had such a big contrast.
"Okay, baby, don’t tease you." Xi Yu Jie got up and looked at Yin Yunxi.

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