武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 There will be no miracles in the world.

There will be no miracles in the world.

Jueying will kill all the vitality of Su Mo since she moves.
If you want to live, you must first detect the disappearance of the sword, judge the direction of this sword, and have the ability to get rid of this sword.
Don’t say all this is a fairy, even a true fairy can’t do it!
Shadow sword and shadow interest
Even she can barely catch a trace of it.
In other words, if the sword of Jueying is shot at her, she can guarantee that she can get away with it!
But just after these thoughts flashed, the ink suddenly frowned and found a little strange.
This sword pierced Su Mo’s head without any blood?
Something unexpected seems to have happened in the battlefield!
Su Mo’s body suddenly burst without flesh and blood, and this body turned into a blue glow to dissipate heaven and earth.
Then Su Mo’s figure suddenly appeared beside him!
Although it seems pale and scared, the breath of life is strong and intact!
Sumo’s not dead?
Unexpectedly escaped from the shadow sword?
They stare big eyes and face shock!
Chapter two thousand four hundred and sixty-one Fu shake the tree
Su Mo has just set a jade-colored light to fly up from the vanishing sword and directly sink into the sea of his knowledge.
Many true immortals can see clearly that this jade light seems to be some kind of jade book.
"The golden cicada sheds its shell?"
The shadows whisper, a long and narrow eyes pass by with a surprise.
This change happened so fast that many onlookers didn’t know what happened except Jue Ying and Su Mo.
You’re right. Sumo just moved. It’s the peerless avatar!
There is something special about the golden cicada’s shell. If you want to release this magical power, you must have a member of your own.
Then, I will be busy to complete the process of shelling the cicada.
When you are fatally attacked, you will be hurt and flee.
That’s not what the ghosting surprise is.
Because even if someone releases the golden cicada from its shell, there is no way to get rid of his shadow sword!
His sword is extremely fast and powerful enough to penetrate Su Mo’s body and won’t give Su Mo a chance to escape!
But there are still variables in this.
The last shot will kill you. This sword goes straight to Su Mo’s knowledge of the sea.
When he plunged his sword into the sea of Su Mo knowledge, he felt a great resistance, and the tip of his sword seemed to pierce by hitting something hard.
The shadow sword paused momentarily, and his figure was thus revealed.
Shadow sword stab is jade qing jade book!
And the member he destroyed was Su Moli’s jade book condensed into Yuan Shen!

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