This is terrible.

Kind of life will destroy a city at most.
Ninety-nine will destroy ninety-nine
But if a net to destroy more than nine hundred fairy city more than nine billion terrans …
"Then the number of Terrans is not enough to occupy the dominant position in this world!"
Lin Chong pays close attention to 74 research countermeasures
If there are hundreds of millions of people left, if the Terran is not the dominant race in this world, Lin Chong will only get it, and the fruit will be lost.
Gensheng’s move is called taking a drastic measure.
Extremely vicious
"I can’t last long!" I love to say to Lin Chong, "Most of the powers of covering Tianbao Umbrella cover the history of this world. If I work hard, I can …"
I love my voice.
Lin Chong saw that there was a reddish net that cracked out from the fountain of the human body on the ground of Xiandao City, as if there were stars and ferns supporting the net and leaving for the sky.
All the residents of Xiandao City who come into contact with this big net are suddenly blushing and stiff, which is a flesh fairy.
The ninety-nine nodes of this big net intersect vertically and horizontally, and almost the whole physical world is put in, and less than one tenth of the land and the city are beyond the scope.
Most of those cities are built along the coast in extremely remote corners. Although they are large, they can’t hold the whole physical world. Land and ocean can choose from worries, but the net area is large enough.
"… let" human "take away the residents of the physical world first!" 74 urgent decision
"Turn to? He can’t fit in the city! " Lin chong frowns
"Turn to Shenzhoujie and Qijie!" 74 said
"Then the number of Terrans in this world …" Lin sighed and let Human work first.
The terran installation "Man" has changed its name, but it also needs to eat and drink. Fortunately, ordinary people put it on for three or five days, but it turns into a bunch of dead names, and the device is like putting it in a white picture scroll. Ordinary people can’t stand this boring environment for a long time, and people will go crazy.
What can be temporarily transferred but not permanently settled.
"Humans" installation Terrans also need to see a scene at this moment, and a long scroll appears in the physical world, and several people become a group of light and become a name.
It will take a while for the chief engineer of billions and hundreds of cities to have a hand.
And that heaven-shattering celestial pocket is an immortal who is turning all those who are contacted into flesh …
Lin Chong looked at the residents of the physical world and burst out with the veins standing out on the forehead of the crack-meat fairy. He couldn’t help yelling at the great love, "You make some effort!"
"I’ve … worked very hard …" I love to hold a handle and put away my treasure umbrella, so I can press it down and hide in the ground again.
One umbrella moves and thousands of umbrellas move together.
The Tao is hidden, and the sky is also hidden.
"Human" collects Terrans when it’s time.
"Let me see how many flies you can take away!"
Looking at the distant scene in the middle of the night, a white dress was rooted and floated. As soon as "Human" was pressed, it was hit hard, and tens of thousands of names were scattered. At night, the chief engineer was busy picking up and spitting out one mouthful blood.
"Fuck you!"
Roots at first Lin Chong found out that Zao Fu had turned to the left, raised his hand, raised his hand, raised a recruit, and a butcher knife was bright in his hand, struggling to cut it to detain the golden dragon with the cross title, and rolled it up to strangle him.

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