There are five people in the cave.

After looking at it, the fix-true man dressed up, but the mouse king faintly perceived that these five should all be transformed into human-shaped demons with his keen sense of smell!
Among the five people, some are lying on the ground with their legs crossed, so they are lazy and have a seat, while others sit quietly and stand.
I don’t know if these people look at him strangely.
The mouse king was stunned by the sight of his scalp.
At the front, there is a friar with red hair who crosses his legs and closes his eyes in a trance. This friar’s facial muscles seem to creep and change a lot.
"You you you …"
The rat king stared at this scene in disbelief.
The face of the red-haired man in front of him was exactly the same as that of the blue man on Yueshan Mountain more than a month ago!
The five people in the cave are naturally Su Mo and his party.
"You you?"
The mouse king thought for a moment and recognized Su Mo’s identity and shouted, "Are you crazy and dare to come back!"
"Why not?"
The monkey sneered, "It’s nothing if the five of us dare to venture into the roaring moon mountain even if we are in a deep hole together!"
"No, no"
The rat king, sweating profusely and motioning with his hand, explained, "You can come back for revenge if you don’t break through the realm and become a demon! You must know that there are also levels among demons! "
"Can become a party lords are in the order of evil! Can yuan god out-of-body experience fugue out-of-body instant thousand … "
Suddenly, the sound of the mouse king came to an abrupt end.
He saw a scene.
Come in with him, and the red-haired Yuan Shen’s body flickered and turned into a red light, which actually melted into Su Mo’s eyebrows!
Su Mo got up Gherardini.
The rat king almost fell out with his big mouth open!
"This this this how is it possible that you you are not …"
The rat king wants to say that you are not a low-level demon. How can you be an out-of-body experience?
But at this time, his mind was in chaos and he couldn’t speak neatly.
"Don’t be nervous"
Su Mo came over and patted the mouse king’s shoulder and smiled. "I didn’t mean anything when I came to you. I can’t blame you for the conflict on the Moon Mountain."
"What’s worse, we were able to escape from Xiaoyue Mountain thanks to your map."
Hearing these words, the Rat King breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground, feeling that he was already sweating.
He doesn’t know much about the man in front of him.
But he knows that this feud will never hurt his life if he says so!
"What do my brothers want me to do?"
After a while, the mouse king gradually calmed down and took the initiative to ask 1.
Su Mo said, "I want to ask you something."
The mouse king suddenly showed his wary eyes, and Su Mo glanced around and considered and said, "Brothers, forgive me for telling you that I rescued you out of guilt."
"But if you want to benefit me against Xiaoyue Mountain, I can’t promise!"
Su Mo indifferently said, "You are screaming at the moon and the mountains are in danger, and we have to do it."
"What do you mean?"
Rat king blinks.
"Heishaling, Fengfengdong, Youshui River!"
Su Mo slowly spit out three place names.
These three place names are the three territories around Xiaoyue Mountain!
The mouse king’s look changed slightly.
Su Mo said, "You are well-informed, and you must have known for a long time that these three territories are plotting against Xiaoyue Mountain. If these three territories join hands, Xiaoyue Mountain will cease!"

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