武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 Qiao Huan told me it’s not true. You can’t marry Mubei. Tell me it’s not true. Tell me! Munan shouted over and over again in his heart.

Qiao Huan told me it’s not true. You can’t marry Mubei. Tell me it’s not true. Tell me! Munan shouted over and over again in his heart.

Qiao Huan finally poured out all the hopes in Muna’s heart in just a few words.
"She said it was true. I’m getting married in half a month. I won’t invite you to Munan’s wedding."
"Pa" Qiao Huan the words sound just fell Munan mobile phone fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.
He was transfixed.
How is that possible? How could Qiao Huan marry Mu Bei? The woman said that he actually didn’t believe a word about how Mu Bei designed Qiao Huan. It’s not that she doesn’t know Qiao Huan. Even if she doesn’t marry him, it’s absolutely impossible to marry Mu Bei.
Something must have happened in this. Qiao Huan must have had some last resort. What must Mu Bei have done to force Qiao Huan to marry him?
"Mu Bei Mu Bei!" Muna gnashed her teeth and called the two Mubei names. She made a fist in her hand and smashed everything on the office table. He swept everything to the ground.
Secret to walk Xiaoya holding the file at the door and hearing the noise inside scared her neck to shrink back.
Mu always lost his temper in it again, and the secret sighed in his heart and wanted to take out a cellular phone and dial a number.
"Miss Qiao, this is Wang Qin. Are you busy now?"
"What can I do for Wang Mi?" Qiao Huan received Wang Qin words slightly one leng.
"There is nothing just want to ask you that you and Mu are always not quarreling? Mu always lost his temper in the office again, "said Wang Mi naively.
Qiao Huan was silent for a long time before saying, "Wang Mi, please take care of me more. I have broken up with him."
"Ah, you really broke up? Miss Qiao, are you really with General Manager Mu? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to know that your thing was that General Manager Mu dropped his mobile phone. When I took it to repair it, I found that I was with General Manager Mu’s younger brother … "
Secret self-knowledge gaffes panic rushed to apologize.
Qiao Huan has silently hung up the phone and put it on. She sighed a long time, and there was a kind of unspeakable stagnation and pain in her heart.
One day Munan will know that she is going to marry Mubei, but she didn’t expect him to know so soon.
Who the hell is that puzzling woman? What did she want to tell Munan about it? What’s on her mind? Qiao Huan lost in deep thought.
Many things are always puzzling …
☆ Chapter 3 Embarrassment (1 more)
Lu Xiaoya came out of the Mu’s regiment building and squinted at the door, as in a daze.
It turned out that she was fond of Mu Bei, and only after hearing the news of Mu Bei’s marriage with Qiao Huan did she hurry to tell Muna that she hoped Muna would stop it from happening.
Is it still coming?
Road Xiaoya vomitted a sigh and stretched out his hand and stopped a taxi in the direction of the hospital.
It wasn’t long before Xiaoya was on the road that a tall figure appeared at the gate of Mu’s regiment. It was Munan, and he took a gloomy car and drove towards Qiao’s villa.
In the hospital, Xiaoya appeared in Mubei ward with fruit in her hand.
Yang Qiang got up and looked at Lu Xiaoya with a smile on his face. "Xiaoya, please come in."
Section 46
Lu Xiaoya laughed at the fruit in his hand. "Aunt, I came to see Mubei."
"Much better," said the doctor. "Yang Qiang asked Lu Xiaoya to sit down.
Lu Xiaoya’s eyes rested on Mu Bei’s face. "The spirit looks good today" and it’s still so beautiful. Lu Xiaoya said quietly in her heart.
But the thought that she will become someone else’s old road makes her face a little stiff.
"Thank you for coming to see me" Mubei politely said to Lu Xiaoya "and thank you for taking me to the hospital yesterday"
"Just lift a finger" Lu Xiaoya smiled and asked 1 "Hey, why didn’t I see Qiao Huan? Doesn’t she know that you are in hospital? "
The words sound just fell and Yang Qiang’s face darkened at that time. She pursed her lips and her eyes fell tightly on Mu Bei’s face without saying a word.
Mu Bei put a smile on her face and said indifferently, "I came yesterday and took care of me all night. I didn’t want her to be too tired, so I ordered her to go back to sleep."
Lu Xiaoya bit his lip like a needle in the heart and took a look at Mu Bei’s eyes, which was complicated.
How much Mu Bei loves Qiao Huan and how good Qiao Huan is worth Mu Bei doing to her?
Yang Qiang couldn’t listen to it and got up. "I’m going out for a walk. Xiaoya, you talk with Xiaobei." Yang Qiang left the ward on high heels and gave it to Mubei and Luya.
She is creating opportunities for Mu Bei and Lu Xiaoya.
From the first time she saw Lu Xiaoya yesterday, she could see from Lu Xiaoya’s eyes that the girl had a good impression on Mu Bei. If possible, she would rather have Lu Xiaoya with Mu Bei. She didn’t want Mu Bei to marry Qiao Huan.
But is it possible for Mubei and Lu Xiaoya? Yang Qiang sighed naively in his heart.
In the ward, Mu Bei’s smile slowly faded, and Lu Xiaoya’s eyes were a little cold. "Miss Lu, thank you for taking me to the hospital, and thank you for coming to see me. I’m fine now, so I won’t delay you."
The implication is to make way for Xiaoya to leave.
Lu Xiaoya’s body was stiff and her eyes were transfixed. Mu Bei’s eyes were slightly injured. "Do you let me leave in disguise?"
Mu Bei corners of the mouth raise a nice radian to mock, but it is very obvious that "I have always had a bad impression on scheming women"
"I …"
"Don’t deny it. Do you dare to say that you just remembered Qiao Huan?"
Lu Xiaoya was thinking of defending herself. Mu Bei quickly interrupted her words and said sarcastically
"Me?" Lu Xiaoya’s face turned white and looked at Mu Bei’s face with an ironic smile. She felt that there was no more explanation.
"You go! I hope you don’t appear in front of me again. "Mu Bei spoke again this time with a soft tone, but the words she said were like a knife stuck in Lu Xiaoya’s heart, and her face turned whiter.
"Qiao Huangen doesn’t love you, and you won’t be happy when you get married." Lu Xiaoya looked at Mu Bei and squeezed a few words through his teeth.

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