武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 "I went out to look for a job. Sister Zhen helped me to be a shopping guide in a supermarket. The boss asked me to go to work tomorrow. Hehehe, I’m awesome." Xiu Xiu giggled and said that her face was full of pride. "Besides, Sister Zhen, we found a rental house for more than 200 yuan a month. Today we also went to see it, although it was not big, but the environment was not bad."

"I went out to look for a job. Sister Zhen helped me to be a shopping guide in a supermarket. The boss asked me to go to work tomorrow. Hehehe, I’m awesome." Xiu Xiu giggled and said that her face was full of pride. "Besides, Sister Zhen, we found a rental house for more than 200 yuan a month. Today we also went to see it, although it was not big, but the environment was not bad."

Really? Looking at ZhenJiNa don’t know what to say thank you, as soon as she helped herself solve two urgent problems. Looking at ZhenJiNa’s deep and handsome eyes and staring at herself, she turned away shyly and felt a strange trembling in her heart.
Because it was going to be late, Zhenzhen took Qinan and Xiu Xiu to the rental house owner to complete the accommodation, took out the remaining money and paid the first month’s rent. Qinan and Xiu Xiu officially settled in this city.
The house is not more than ten square meters square. On the third floor, the landlord came to rent out the extra room. The landlord lived on the first and second floors by himself. The predecessors just moved out. There is a wooden bed and a table. The landlord and Zhenzhen’s family are very familiar with each other. The rent is the cheapest. Give them bedding and lend them first to make the room behind a school. The environment is also very elegant.
Finally, I have a temporary home. Qi Na lamented Taoism in his heart! ! ! What a warm word! A feeling of happiness between myself and Xiu Xiu’s family lingers in my heart. Looking back at Xiu Xiu, Xiao Ni is also looking at him. In the eyes of two people staring at each other, something called affection is slowly sprouting and growing.
When I go to bed at night, I still follow the old rules. Xiu Xiu sleeps on the floor with Qinan. Before going to bed, Xiu Xiu wants to call Qinan to sleep in the bed, but he is embarrassed to say it.
The next day, Qi Na specially accompanied Xiu Xiu to her class. Fortunately, it was not far from the place where she lived. It was a few blocks away. This supermarket was much bigger than the clothes shop they went to when they first arrived here. There were more than a dozen shopkeepers alone. The middle-aged man was slightly fat and a little bald. He was very enthusiastic about Xiu Xiu. It was also polite to align the south, but Qi Na always felt that there was something wrong, but he said that it was not wrong. Looking at the working conditions here, it was not bad. It was a far cry from his own. He was relieved to entrust Xiu Xiu with a few words and rushed to the construction site class
Two days later, Liu Shu was very satisfied with Qi Nan, and agreed to let him stay and watch him work in Qi Nan. He was very hard-working and gave him a salary of 5 yuan a day of 35 yuan. In the past two days, Qi Nan has successfully created a beautiful image of hardworking, hardworking, hardworking and honest in front of Liu Shu and many workers, and he is long and pleasing to the eye. Everyone likes this charming guy.
In the past few days, Qi Nan has also carefully observed the behaviors and speeches of these workers around him, compared their living habits, analyzed their thoughts and feelings, felt their meanness, self-narrowness, rudeness and kindness, and truly realized their simple resentment towards this society, their great envy and jealousy for the disparity between the rich and the poor in the real world, and their longing for money and material things. They found that they said that they were scolding and scolding, but their physical requirements were actually very humble and insignificant. They only needed a worker who could get a weak reward by selling his labor for a long time. In their talk, Qinan tried to understand the world, and it was a vain experience to discover light or dark things to enhance himself. Learning their language style made him look closer to a modern person, and he tried to blend into this respectable and sad group. In the past few days, he gained a lot. Sometimes Qinan himself felt like a member of this group, which is very important for hiding his identity. Migrant workers are the largest group in this society, and it is believed that it is difficult to find him by arresting others. There are people all over the country who speak various dialects and really don’t understand each other’s meaning. Mandarin never deliberately asks you about your origin and past, which is the most suitable place for Qina.
volume one
Chapter 13 This is football?
Half a month has passed with a flick of a finger.
Now it’s November of the next year. Looking back on the past two months, Qinan still feels like dreaming. Somehow, he came to this world to catch up with the murderers and fugitives. Everything is fine, like what happened yesterday. Is life like a dream or a dream like life?
Today, it’s rare to have a day off at the construction site. Qi Nan doesn’t go to Ban Xiuxiu, and he also takes a day off to accompany him for half a month. When they are together, it’s hard to catch a day. They decided to go out and stroll around the front together, but they have never looked at the city well.
When I was building, I met my landlady Xiu Xiu, and I called her "Cai Yi" sweetly. The landlady’s surname was Li. Her husband’s surname was Cai Caiyi. She was in her forties, and she was very amiable. She had a son who was studying in a foreign country and worked as a supervisor in an enterprise. Usually she was seldom at home. She was very fond of Xiu Xiu, and there was no way for Xiu Xiu people to be sweet. When she saw her, Cai Yi always called her hands and feet to be diligent. She often helped to take out the garbage in the house. Now, Cai Yi is like her own daughter. I watched the video chat with Li Yi on the second floor. Qi Nan was amazed when she saw it for the first time. I didn’t know how to shape it. I was very curious about this thing that can make a sound and see characters. Not to mention, Xiu Xiu is now a video fan. After work every day, she stays at the landlady’s house to watch her. Both of them like to watch and watch that kind of Qiong Yao-style tear-jerking emotional drama. Every night, with the characters in the play, they are moved by their undying love. Sometimes Qi Nan is worried about whether Xiu Xiu will watch it or not. It’s okay now.
Holding Xiu Xiu’s hand, walking in the busy street, there are all kinds of shops on both sides, luxuriously decorated, and people are constantly wandering around. When you see beautiful things in Xiu Xiu, you quietly appreciate them, but you never say that you want to buy them. You are looking at Xiu Xiu’s little face in front of a beautiful piece of jewelry, full of surprise and love. Qinan secretly vowed that one day I would buy the whole world for you, Xiu Xiu! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
After visiting Xiu Xiu for a long time, Qi Na is still full of interest, but she is a little tired. No wonder sometimes I listen to workmates talking about never going shopping with women. It’s more tiring than work. Would Qi Na be so horrible after listening? Now I know what I said is true. Careful Xiu Xiu found that Jina was tired and cleverly said to go home
I have to go home through the school before I live. According to the landlord, it is a high school with about four or five thousand people. The school facilities are elegant and well-known throughout Changsha. When I walked through the towering gate of the school, Xiu Xiu was still looking forward to it. She never studied and never knew what kind of curiosity was in the school. According to her age, she looked at Xiu Xiu and was so curious when she was in high school. Xiu Xiu is only seventeen years old, and her peers are still reading anxiously at school, but she has to flee with herself and run around. Thought of this, she took Xiu Xiu’s hand and walked back straight to the school.
Xiu Xiu is excited to look here and see where. This is the school! ! It seems that there is a breath of culture in the air. At this time, Xiu Xiu’s heart is dark. For others, this is a very common scene, but she has raised it to a sacred level in her heart, as if a Christian went to Mecca to worship.
Walking in the quiet forest path, the heart of Qi ‘nan is calm. Looking at pieces of yellow leaves and fallen leaves, it feeds back the earth. Qi ‘nan has a kind of peace, distance, indifference and detachment. He feels calm and smiles, and climbs his mouth with a little warmth in early winter.
The greening of the school is very good. Tall trees and green lawns can be seen everywhere. Pebbles are paved on the path, and the students are scarce during the class.
Come on, a patch of mottled green grass not far away. Come to Qinan and take a closer look at my heart.
Cuju! ! ! ! They are actually playing cuju! ! !
However, if you look closely, it’s not like that in the Song Dynasty, Cuju followed the Tang Dynasty. There was a goal form in which two bamboo poles with a height of tens of feet were erected in the court to form a net, and there was a goal hole called "wind eye". During the game, players separated various difficult postures on both sides of the goal and kicked the ball into the hole "for nothing" to show their personal skills. The so-called "kicking with hundreds of feet can solve hundreds of thousands" refers to kicking the ball in a pattern and making up a complete set of fingers, shoulders and fingers.
Qinan is the most famous expert in Bai Da in Lin ‘an. On that day, Qinan led Qiyun Club to win the championship, and then in front of Xiaozong, a wonderful set of Bai Da won the applause of the emperor and hundreds of civil and military officials before he was awarded the title of "the first person in Cuju Day" by the emperor.
But in front of us, the form of Cuju was completely different from that of Cuju in Song Dynasty. Eleven people came out from each side. There were goals on both sides, not vertical, but placed on the ground, and there was a special goalkeeper Qi Nan. This was a bit like the form of Cuju in Han Dynasty, but at that time, there were six goals and six goalkeepers Qi Nan had a deep understanding of Cuju history.
Seeing the two sides of the field, you came and I played well. Nearly a hundred people gathered in the stands next to it to watch the refueling. It was from there that Qinan took Xiu Xiu and ran to quietly observe it at the back of the stands.
In Qinan’s eyes, the players’ cuju skills are simply horrible, which is a bit rough. They have a lot of physical contact, so the goal is too big. I think that when I was in Lin’ an cuju, the net was so small and the goal was so high. It is too easy to score such a big goal, but I haven’t seen the players who scored the goal for a long time. Either they missed the goal or they were saved by the goalkeeper. Their shooting skills and strength are too poor!
My heart is full of doubts and I can’t help patting a little girl in front who is clapping hard and stamping her feet and shouting for fuel. "Hey, little sister, are they playing cuju?"
The little girl was watching eagerly when she was suddenly patted on the shoulder. Looking back, she was a super handsome guy who asked her that her anger suddenly turned into tenderness. In an instant, she saw that her temperament was clean like Tianshan Snow Lotus. Xiu Xiu was full of tenderness and poured cold water on her head, but she couldn’t say a word. Qi Na looked at the little girl’s face and her expression seemed to change, and often she even said she was sorry.
It took a long time for the little girl to return to absolute being and replied shyly, "What is cuju? This is a football match. We have a match between Class 1, Class 3 and Class 1, Class 5. "
Football! ! ! ! Yes, I met that old Mr. Zhao when I was in a hurry in Shanjiang Miao Village. It seems that Cuju has been renamed football now, and it is really closer to things. What is it called to play football? ! ! Thought of here JiNa heart can not help but feel relieved.
volume one
Chapter 14 Gorgeous Cuju Performance
JiNa was meditating, and a burst of cheers suddenly broke out. The little girl was even more excited, jumping and jumping. It turned out that her class team had just scored a goal by a player with a few yellow hairs on his head. According to JiNa’s observation, the yellow-haired boy was really a field, and the best one in that group of people was not even an ordinary expert in JiNa’s eyes.
Half an hour later, the game ended and the score was fixed at 1. The loser left the victory dejectedly, and the winner celebrated. Qi Nan went to the sidelines and picked up a football that rolled off the sidelines and studied it carefully.
In Song Dynasty, the ball-making technology was relatively advanced, and the ball shell was developed from the tip leather to the twelve pieces of fragrant leather. The raw material was "cooked nitrate yellow and light cutting", and the technology was "close-laid and sewed to make the ball without exposing the line angle". The weight of the ball should be "12 ounces", and the specifications of the football should be "smashed into a very round shape". Of course, the quality of the ball was very high. At that time, there were 40 different kinds of ball-making in handicraft workshops, each of which had its own advantages and disadvantages.
At present, the football in my hand feels about half a catty, which is much lighter than the cuju ball in the Song Dynasty. It seems to be made of some kind of leather, which should be filled with air and have beautiful patterns and patterns. The workmanship is really exquisite.
Qi Na’s heart itches unceasingly. It’s almost three months since he touched Cuju for a while. He bounced the ball like a man. He just didn’t adapt to the weight of this kind of football very well. He always fell to the ground and became familiar with it. He soon got comfortable with it. After he became familiar with it, it was even better to control Qi Na’s kicking. A set of gorgeous "beating in vain" routines reappeared in the post-modern world after a hundred years, such as turning dry Kun, returning to the nest, oblique flower arrangement, wind swinging lotus, Buddha’s beading, picking fish in dry land One by one, the difficult movements of turning meteors were made by Qi Nan like flowing water, unaware that other people’s eyes were immersed in a person’s world alone. After a whole set of movements, Qi Nan felt very comfortable and hadn’t exercised happily for a long time! !
"Yeah, his eldest brother is great! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "The little girl has already jumped up and down beside her. In fact, she doesn’t know how difficult this" beating in vain "is. She is very happy to play smartly and elegantly in the south.
Next to a group of students who were just celebrating warmly, they were dumbfounded! ! ! There are people in the world who can play football so beautifully. Is this still football? Seeing the football flying around him, the little ball bouncing around his feet, thighs, chest, shoulders and forehead is obedient, but it doesn’t land. Every movement has a sense of stagnation, which seems to be like running water, giving people a strong visual impact. Leonardo da Vinci’s gorgeous color signs the world. Caesar signs the world through Jin Ge’s iron hoof, Beethoven signs the world through smart music, and William Shakespeare signs the world through jumping words. At this time, Qi Na’s jumping elf signs the world in the place, so that football is not football but art, and Qi Na is the master of creative art.
The unruly yellow-haired student was the first to wake up from the shock. "Boy, this man estimates that little JJ can stop the ball." He always thinks that his football skills should be good in this school, especially in Changsha. He once took part in the Pepsi Cup football challenge in Changsha and won the second place for 1235 times in a row. He was a young man of a professional team, and he also bounced 1246 times, and he was a few years older than himself, which made him have all the talents. But when he saw this stranger who was not much older than himself, he Suddenly I feel like the frog sitting at the bottom of the well. The gap between him and him is far from the gap between the bottom of the well and the wellhead, but the gap between the bottom of the well and the sky. The wellhead can still climb hard, but the sky is almost the same unless the frog has wings.
Jina looked at Xiao Huangmao coming towards him. He came to get the ball, picked the ball beautifully, flew to his hand and handed it to him. Xiao Huangmao looked at him without looking at the football in his hand. His eyes were a little cold and looked at him with admiration.
"Can you teach me football?" Xiao Huang Mao doesn’t know how long it’s been since he talked to others in this low-spirited tone. It feels like a century ago, but this person deserves to talk to him in this tone.
Are you kidding? I haven’t even figured out the rules of football myself. I’m afraid I can’t teach you. "I’m sorry, I’m not from this school."
"It doesn’t matter, you must live not far from here, even if it is far away, I can go to your place." Xiao Huangmao’s sincere expression is beyond doubt.
"Don’t say whether to teach you or not. I’m just a few years old. Let’s have a lesson together." Qina thought that she didn’t know much about football, but it was not good to tell herself more about football in this world. She flatly refused him.
It’s getting late. Qina is pulling Xiu Xiu to get away from Xiao Huangmao. This just shows the beautiful Xiu Xiu. Although she is surprised by her beauty, there is not much lust in her eyes. At his age, he has no concept of beauty. His eyes are still looking at Qina with fanatical worship. "Will you come this afternoon? I’ll wait for you here. What shall I call Duan Tian? " Little yellow hair shouted at JiNa figure.
This is really persistent! ! ! ! Qina turned to reveal a noncommittal smile. "My name is Qina." Then he turned and pulled Xiu Xiu away slowly, leaving a handsome back for everyone to stare at the sunset, which was as radiant as Apollo, the sun god.

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