武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 夜网 What is the magic of love and affection that can make people forget their lives, make people infatuated, and make people … die without regret?

What is the magic of love and affection that can make people forget their lives, make people infatuated, and make people … die without regret?

"Everything in the future is unpredictable, except that the Buddha can be sure that what we just saw is the biggest possible change among thousands of changes, but you and I have concluded that the origin of Ri will surely form a fate."
It seems that Chen Shaobai’s response to the long-expected hidden Xuan nodded and smiled to become more pure, and it did not take Shou Yuan’s consumption of Xing to heart.
He worked hard to follow his sixth sense destiny to help Chen Shaobai calculate the past and future. Although it was costly, it also gave him a glimpse of the door that he couldn’t get across the threshold of ordinary monks who were great magical powers.
How many people have been quenching for hundreds of millions of years in Xiandao, consuming 500 yuan, and Shou Yuan can’t see the threshold of deification for life? For the old monk, it is worthwhile to get a breakthrough opportunity at any cost.
It’s time to compete, but for Zang Xuan, whether to break through the realm first or to exhaust Shou Yuan’s meditation first is no longer in his mind. His only heart is the pursuit of emptiness, goodness, joy and freedom on the Gaofumen Avenue.
"If you plant good causes, you will get good results. If you plant evil causes, you will get bad results. Can you tell good from evil?"
Zang Xuan sat trembling like a dying old man, thinking about life and Buddhism, and five younger generations waited quietly beside him.
Debris of vegetation was swept by the wind and sand, and the earth soon accumulated two or three inches wide, and the mysterious corpse spots and rotten smell became more and more rich, and the autumn wind rustled and the world mourned.
"that’s all."
The old monk seems to have figured something out and waved to Chen Shaobai. "Young people don’t be afraid to come here."
Chen Shaobai knew that although this seemingly half-buried man would fall at any moment, he would be able to move mountains and fill the sea to smash the stars if he still had a breath. If the other party really wanted to kill himself, he would have to reinvent the wheel. He believed in his judgment and Chen Shaobai walked beside the old man calmly.
A wrinkled thin arm slowly leaned over and put it on his lower abdomen.
"There are some tricks in the Qing Xuanmen’s" The Devil’s King Kong Body "and" J Ο ng Qi Xian Pupil ",and I don’t care about the solution to help you practice, but there are always seven thousand three hundred and forty-two mysterious methods for you."
The information content in Tibetan Xuan’s words is so great that Chen Shaobai can’t react for a while, but there are few conditions in his mind to show two conclusions.
First, the old monk should give him the Dharma. Second, the old monk recited too little practice of the 7,342 mental methods of Hanging Mountain.
Although Zangxuan shoulders the two missions of integrating and revitalizing Zen Buddhism, it is said that the wisdom of hanging mountains is the first, but it is too false to practice more than 7 thousand secret methods.
"You are very good at the end. The level of the second level of refinement is better than that of the younger generation of Tantric."
"Emphasis on strength and neglect of the foundation of the physical body, blood evil spirit J and jīng Hua Chong, although making rapid progress, still limits the development potential of the physical body after Ri. In the past, burning the lamp before the Tathagata was born, the body and soul could be used to prove the way to the Buddha."
The old monk talked to himself, which made Chen Shaobai slow down.
"Master Zangxuan, what do you want?"
"Hold your breath!"
Suddenly, the Tibetan Xuan was full of gas, so that Chen Shaobai’s mind was shocked. He consciously collected his mind, and his whole body’s qi and blood and mana were rounded like a Taoist elixir, and there was no half of his vitality leaked.
Although he stopped the mana operation, he practiced for many years and left many traces in his body. Although the Qing Xuanmen deliberately arranged a maze, for the old monk, this vision and strength are extremely high. For me, a quick glance can break all the redundancy and see the real J and NG Chinese part.
"There are 70% similarities in Tai Men Hao Ri Jian, but it’s not enough to fit in with Yuan Magnetic Medulla Washing Canon …"
The physical mana is known as the three sources, each of which contains endless mysteries and exhausts one’s life. J: ng’s strength is also poor. Therefore, most monks only practice one vertical posture for a few days before trying to practice two, and only those who are trapped in the quenching and ten perfection and enjoy 500 Shou Yuan people will practice three.
A practitioner like Chen Shaobai, who has just entered the realm of quenching gas, is simply a wonderful old monk, and some perfectionism has tried and failed, but he directly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of many occult techniques and went to turnip to simulate and deduce the body skills that are more suitable for Chen Shaobai.
That is to say, the old monk is now creating his own achievement method.
"Creative achievement method is not spent decades of hard work, several generations of hard work to improve? Does he want me to wait here for more than ten years? "
Chen Shaobai was startled by his sudden thoughts. A pure white Se sword in his body jumped up gently.
The will to hide the mysterious flows in his body, which makes him feel unable to hold his own qi and blood.
The force of will affects the human body. Chen Shaobai is not unheard of. Zhao Zongjie was carried Shaqi in the town of Muxi. He was scared to death alive. Wu Pei’s eyes hurt people in the whole city. But those affected objects are mostly people with insufficient strength of J and NG God. It’s just a look that can let him condense the sword through mental experience. How powerful is the psychic’s power to hide the Xuan J and NG God?
Less now, Chen Shaobai’s imagination is complete.
Ri month is like a stream, close your eyes and open your eyes. Time has passed in a hurry.
The old monk looks more and more vicissitudes, but his eyes are more and more bright.
"Finally finished …"
"The strength growth of your blue tailor-made dharma body and soul three exercises is not weaker than that of" Dungeon King Kong Body ",but also the efficiency and quality of soul refinement are even higher than that of" J Ο ng Qi Xian Pupil ",and the mana growth is also peaceful and the foundation is solid, so you can practice all the way to quenching nine times."
"My name is Xuanfo Gong."
Se, the mysterious god of Tibet, seems extremely tired and seems to have consumed his poor heart. He evokes a smile at the corner of his mouth and doesn’t command anything. It seems that he just saw the golden egg melting in the black flame beside him.
"[Da Zhen] territory forcibly realized that the Dharma circle of hell was still in its embryonic form? So Huigen is not weak compared with benefactor Chen. Although we are going the wrong way now, it’s time to correct it. "
The old monk stretched out his dry hand, and the three monks all disappeared in the cuffs of his pajamas. He took a meaningful look at Chen Shaobai and quickly disappeared in front of the three men.
"Qiu Daoyou, can you see that Elder Zangxuan has moved?" Fate avatar, self-created skill, and instant movement. These two days and nights, the old monk brought too much shock to Flower Night, which made him slow down for a while.
Qiu Wanfa shook his head and looked at Chen Shaobai expectantly, only to find that I don’t know when Chen Shaobai has been sitting in a five-hearted posture and breathing has become dense and long. It seems that he has entered a state of deep cultivation.
Your support is my great motivation.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine Breaking the boundary and reaching the truth
Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine Breaking the boundary and reaching the truth
Disturbing others to practice is a taboo for practitioners.
Chen Shaobai is now in a state of meditation that resembles the night spent on epiphany and Qiu Wanfa, although full of doubts, does not go to ask questions.
Heaven’s master of science is coming here soon, and if he sees this mess, his mood will not be much better, and their eyes will be hard to achieve. The two of them are forced to suppress their injuries and get busy.
The practitioners at the bottom can’t hope that the capsule will be used to carry the earth and stones, and the sword will be used to cut off the river veins, guide the source, cut the mountains and level the ground, and all kinds of precious magical skills will be taken out to improve the environment.
On the night of the flower, the temperature of the whole body soared, and the shock wave went straight to the Han Xiao. Ten miles away, a very aura Baoshan was cut off and the mana was gathered into a big palm, and it was slowly transported. The law of Qiu Wan offered 300 spiritual inscriptions and runes to refine the array, looking for spiritual trees, flowers and plants, and grabbing them with roots and soil for transplantation.
And a group of outside cousins of Jinyuan Gate are also busy doing their best to play the role of light and heat in Qiu Wanfa’s order.
With the crowd moving, thousands of spiritual objects gathered in Baoshan, and the original broken stone and rotten slope gradually changed. Although it is not said that things are gorgeous and treasures are outstanding, the spirit is particularly quiet and quiet, and the fairy clouds are not like the scene of the mortal world.
Although such a great change has caused great movement, Chen Shaobai has always been an old god who often sits and practices constantly, as if the sky were to fall, and he could not move his god Se.
Qiu Wanfa did not deliberately command that no one dare to come and disturb without knowing it.
Don’t you see that the monk who was arrogant and didn’t dream was stabbed into the ground for a long time and couldn’t get up? The magnificent power of the hundred Excalibur dragons is still vivid in my mind. Following Qiu Wanfa to Jinyuan’s younger brothers are mostly people. J: ng knows who can provoke who can’t provoke.

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